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 Please watch the DriveHQ True Drop Box Folder feature video:

DriveHQ's true Drop Box Folder feature enables anybody to send files to you securely without the hassle of login or signup. It works like a mail drop box: users can drop letters in, but cannot take them out. Similarly, anybody can visit your Drop Box URL and upload files into your Drop Box folder. It is totally different from Dropbox.com. To use the True Drop Box feature, you need to have an account on DriveHQ.com. Log in to your DriveHQ.com account, go to My Storage. You can then create a new folder. To create a Drop Box folder, you just need to check the checkbox "This is a Drop Box folder". Optionally, you can set a Drop Box password to prevent spamming. If you do so, you must provide the Drop Box password to users who will upload files to you. Click Submit, it will create the Drop Box folder. Now you can see the Drop Box URL. Provide the URL to anybody who needs to send files to you. They can visit the URL, enter their name and provide a little info, then drag and drop files into your Drop Box folder. They cannot see or delete files in your Drop Box folder...

9/23/2021 8:49:53 PM

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