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I have a WEBDAV document in DriveHQ.


If I try to access it, I get prompted with a username and password prompt, similar to as follows:




The URL of the document is something like https://webdav.drivehq.com/DriveHQShare/joseph/Files/884623.txt


We see from the image above that I get prompted with Username and Password, which is expected.


However, supposing that I wanted to only prompt the person accessing the file with a password (as opposed to username + password), is there any way to achive this by editing the URL alone? I would like to prepopulate the username in this authentication prompt by editing the URL alone. Maybe something like






Thank you and I look forward to your reply,

James Pedersen

8/10/2024 2:02:45 PM



Any update on this?


Thank you,

James Pedersen

8/18/2024 12:19:25 PM

Ok guys, let me elaborate on this further.


If I were to go to the following URL:




I get sent to the following page:


Then if I press OK here, I get sent to this page:



Note that both the username and password fields here are both blank.

What I expect to happen is that when I press OK, I get sent to this page, but that the username field would be prepopulated with "JOSEPH", because I already pressed "OK" to logging in as JOSEPH. This is what I'm expecting would happen.

So can you please fix this?

Thank you,

James Pedersen

9/5/2024 11:19:52 AM

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