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路径: \\game3dprogramming\materials\GameFactory\GameFactoryDemo\references\ogre\include\OgreBillboardParticleRenderer.h
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/ Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Torus Knot Software Ltd Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt. You may alternatively use this source under the terms of a specific version of the OGRE Unrestricted License provided you have obtained such a license from Torus Knot Software Ltd. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef __BillboardParticleRenderer_H__ #define __BillboardParticleRenderer_H__ #include "OgrePrerequisites.h" #include "OgreParticleSystemRenderer.h" #include "OgreBillboardSet.h" namespace Ogre { /** Specialisation of ParticleSystemRenderer to render particles using a BillboardSet. @remarks This renderer has a few more options than the standard particle system, which will be passed to it automatically when the particle system itself does not understand them. */ class _OgreExport BillboardParticleRenderer : public ParticleSystemRenderer { protected: /// The billboard set that's doing the rendering BillboardSet* mBillboardSet; public: BillboardParticleRenderer(); ~BillboardParticleRenderer(); /** Command object for billboard type (see ParamCommand).*/ class _OgrePrivate CmdBillboardType : public ParamCommand { public: String doGet(const void* target) const; void doSet(void* target, const String& val); }; /** Command object for billboard origin (see ParamCommand).*/ class _OgrePrivate CmdBillboardOrigin : public ParamCommand { public: String doGet(const void* target) const; void doSet(void* target, const String& val); }; /** Command object for billboard rotation type (see ParamCommand).*/ class _OgrePrivate CmdBillboardRotationType : public ParamCommand { public: String doGet(const void* target) const; void doSet(void* target, const String& val); }; /** Command object for common direction (see ParamCommand).*/ class _OgrePrivate CmdCommonDirection : public ParamCommand { public: String doGet(const void* target) const; void doSet(void* target, const String& val); }; /** Command object for common up-vector (see ParamCommand).*/ class _OgrePrivate CmdCommonUpVector : public ParamCommand { public: String doGet(const void* target) const; void doSet(void* target, const String& val); }; /** Command object for point rendering (see ParamCommand).*/ class _OgrePrivate CmdPointRendering : public ParamCommand { public: String doGet(const void* target) const; void doSet(void* target, const String& val); }; /** Command object for accurate facing(see ParamCommand).*/ class _OgrePrivate CmdAccurateFacing : public ParamCommand { public: String doGet(const void* target) const; void doSet(void* target, const String& val); }; /** Sets the type of billboard to render. @remarks The default sort of billboard (BBT_POINT), always has both x and y axes parallel to the camera's local axes. This is fine for 'point' style billboards (e.g. flares, smoke, anything which is symmetrical about a central point) but does not look good for billboards which have an orientation (e.g. an elongated raindrop). In this case, the oriented billboards are more suitable (BBT_ORIENTED_COMMON or BBT_ORIENTED_SELF) since they retain an independant Y axis and only the X axis is generated, perpendicular to both the local Y and the camera Z. @param bbt The type of billboard to render */ void setBillboardType(BillboardType bbt); /** Returns the billboard type in use. */ BillboardType getBillboardType(void) const; /// @copydoc BillboardSet::setUseAccurateFacing void setUseAccurateFacing(bool acc); /// @copydoc BillboardSet::getUseAccurateFacing bool getUseAccurateFacing(void) const; /** Sets the point which acts as the origin point for all billboards in this set. @remarks This setting controls the fine tuning of where a billboard appears in relation to it's position. It could be that a billboard's position represents it's center (e.g. for fireballs), it could mean the center of the bottom edge (e.g. a tree which is positioned on the ground), the top-left corner (e.g. a cursor). @par The default setting is BBO_CENTER. @param origin A member of the BillboardOrigin enum specifying the origin for all the billboards in this set. */ void setBillboardOrigin(BillboardOrigin origin) { mBillboardSet->setBillboardOrigin(origin); } /** Gets the point which acts as the origin point for all billboards in this set. @returns A member of the BillboardOrigin enum specifying the origin for all the billboards in this set. */ BillboardOrigin getBillboardOrigin(void) const { return mBillboardSet->getBillboardOrigin(); } /** Sets billboard rotation type. @remarks This setting controls the billboard rotation type, you can deciding rotate the billboard's vertices around their facing direction or rotate the billboard's texture coordinates. @par The default settings is BBR_TEXCOORD. @param rotationType A member of the BillboardRotationType enum specifying the rotation type for all the billboards in this set. */ void setBillboardRotationType(BillboardRotationType rotationType); /** Sets billboard rotation type. @returns A member of the BillboardRotationType enum specifying the rotation type for all the billboards in this set. */ BillboardRotationType getBillboardRotationType(void) const; /** Use this to specify the common direction given to billboards of type BBT_ORIENTED_COMMON. @remarks Use BBT_ORIENTED_COMMON when you want oriented billboards but you know they are always going to be oriented the same way (e.g. rain in calm weather). It is faster for the system to calculate the billboard vertices if they have a common direction. @param vec The direction for all billboards. */ void setCommonDirection(const Vector3& vec); /** Gets the common direction for all billboards (BBT_ORIENTED_COMMON) */ const Vector3& getCommonDirection(void) const; /** Use this to specify the common up-vector given to billboards of type BBT_PERPENDICULAR_SELF. @remarks Use BBT_PERPENDICULAR_SELF when you want oriented billboards perpendicular to their own direction vector and doesn't face to camera. In this case, we need an additional vector to determine the billboard X, Y axis. The generated X axis perpendicular to both the own direction and up-vector, the Y axis will coplanar with both own direction and up-vector, and perpendicular to own direction. @param vec The up-vector for all billboards. */ void setCommonUpVector(const Vector3& vec); /** Gets the common up-vector for all billboards (BBT_PERPENDICULAR_SELF) */ const Vector3& getCommonUpVector(void) const; /// @copydoc BillboardSet::setPointRenderingEnabled void setPointRenderingEnabled(bool enabled); /// @copydoc BillboardSet::isPointRenderingEnabled bool isPointRenderingEnabled(void) const; /// @copydoc ParticleSystemRenderer::getType const String& getType(void) const; /// @copydoc ParticleSystemRenderer::_updateRenderQueue void _updateRenderQueue(RenderQueue* queue, std::list
& currentParticles, bool cullIndividually); /// @copydoc ParticleSystemRenderer::_setMaterial void _setMaterial(MaterialPtr& mat); /// @copydoc ParticleSystemRenderer::_notifyCurrentCamera void _notifyCurrentCamera(Camera* cam); /// @copydoc ParticleSystemRenderer::_notifyParticleRotated void _notifyParticleRotated(void); /// @copydoc ParticleSystemRenderer::_notifyParticleResized void _notifyParticleResized(void); /// @copydoc ParticleSystemRenderer::_notifyParticleQuota void _notifyParticleQuota(size_t quota); /// @copydoc ParticleSystemRenderer::_notifyAttached void _notifyAttached(Node* parent, bool isTagPoint = false); /// @copydoc ParticleSystemRenderer::_notifyDefaultDimensions void _notifyDefaultDimensions(Real width, Real height); /// @copydoc ParticleSystemRenderer::setRenderQueueGroup void setRenderQueueGroup(uint8 queueID); /// @copydoc ParticleSystemRenderer::setKeepParticlesInLocalSpace void setKeepParticlesInLocalSpace(bool keepLocal); /// @copydoc ParticleSystemRenderer::_getSortMode SortMode _getSortMode(void) const; /// Access BillboardSet in use BillboardSet* getBillboardSet(void) const { return mBillboardSet; } protected: static CmdBillboardType msBillboardTypeCmd; static CmdBillboardOrigin msBillboardOriginCmd; static CmdBillboardRotationType msBillboardRotationTypeCmd; static CmdCommonDirection msCommonDirectionCmd; static CmdCommonUpVector msCommonUpVectorCmd; static CmdPointRendering msPointRenderingCmd; static CmdAccurateFacing msAccurateFacingCmd; }; /** Factory class for BillboardParticleRenderer */ class _OgreExport BillboardParticleRendererFactory : public ParticleSystemRendererFactory { public: /// @copydoc FactoryObj::getType const String& getType() const; /// @copydoc FactoryObj::createInstance ParticleSystemRenderer* createInstance( const String& name ); /// @copydoc FactoryObj::destroyInstance void destroyInstance( ParticleSystemRenderer* inst); }; } #endif
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