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路径: \\game3dprogramming\materials\GameFactory\GameFactoryDemo\references\ogre\include\OgrePrerequisites.h
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is a part of OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/ Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Torus Knot Software Ltd Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA or go to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef __OgrePrerequisites_H__ #define __OgrePrerequisites_H__ // undefine this to not require new angular units where applicable #define OGRE_FORCE_ANGLE_TYPES // Platform-specific stuff #include "OgrePlatform.h" #if OGRE_COMPILER == OGRE_COMPILER_MSVC // Turn off warnings generated by long std templates // This warns about truncation to 255 characters in debug/browse info # pragma warning (disable : 4786) // Turn off warnings generated by long std templates // This warns about truncation to 255 characters in debug/browse info # pragma warning (disable : 4503) // disable: "conversion from 'double' to 'float', possible loss of data # pragma warning (disable : 4244) // disable: "truncation from 'double' to 'float' # pragma warning (disable : 4305) // disable: "
needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients' // Happens on STL member variables which are not public therefore is ok # pragma warning (disable : 4251) // disable: "non dll-interface class used as base for dll-interface class" // Happens when deriving from Singleton because bug in compiler ignores // template export # pragma warning (disable : 4275) // disable: "C++ Exception Specification ignored" // This is because MSVC 6 did not implement all the C++ exception // specifications in the ANSI C++ draft. # pragma warning( disable : 4290 ) // disable: "no suitable definition provided for explicit template // instantiation request" Occurs in VC7 for no justifiable reason on all // #includes of Singleton # pragma warning( disable: 4661) // disable: deprecation warnings when using CRT calls in VC8 // These show up on all C runtime lib code in VC8, disable since they clutter // the warnings with things we may not be able to do anything about (e.g. // generated code from nvparse etc). I doubt very much that these calls // will ever be actually removed from VC anyway, it would break too much code. # pragma warning( disable: 4996) // disable: "conditional expression constant", always occurs on // OGRE_MUTEX_CONDITIONAL when no threading enabled # pragma warning (disable : 201) #endif /* Include all the standard header *after* all the configuration settings have been made. */ //#include "OgreStdHeaders.h" #include "OgreMemoryManager.h" namespace Ogre { // Define ogre version #define OGRE_VERSION_MAJOR 1 #define OGRE_VERSION_MINOR 4 #define OGRE_VERSION_PATCH 9 #define OGRE_VERSION_SUFFIX "" #define OGRE_VERSION_NAME "Eihort" #define OGRE_VERSION ((OGRE_VERSION_MAJOR << 16) | (OGRE_VERSION_MINOR << 8) | OGRE_VERSION_PATCH) // define the real number values to be used // default to use 'float' unless precompiler option set #if OGRE_DOUBLE_PRECISION == 1 /** Software floating point type. @note Not valid as a pointer to GPU buffers / parameters */ typedef double Real; #else /** Software floating point type. @note Not valid as a pointer to GPU buffers / parameters */ typedef float Real; #endif #if OGRE_COMPILER == OGRE_COMPILER_GNUC && OGRE_COMP_VER >= 310 && !defined(STLPORT) # define HashMap ::__gnu_cxx::hash_map #else # if OGRE_COMPILER == OGRE_COMPILER_MSVC # if OGRE_COMP_VER > 1300 && !defined(_STLP_MSVC) # define HashMap ::stdext::hash_map # else # define HashMap ::std::hash_map # endif # else # define HashMap ::std::hash_map # endif #endif /** In order to avoid finger-aches :) */ typedef unsigned char uchar; typedef unsigned short ushort; typedef unsigned int uint; typedef unsigned long ulong; /// Useful macros #define OGRE_DELETE(p) { if(p) { delete (p); (p)=NULL; } } #define OGRE_DELETE_ARRAY(p) { if(p) { delete[] (p); (p)=NULL; } } #if OGRE_WCHAR_T_STRINGS typedef std::wstring _StringBase; #else typedef std::string _StringBase; #endif typedef _StringBase String; // Useful threading defines #define OGRE_AUTO_MUTEX_NAME mutex #if OGRE_THREAD_SUPPORT #define OGRE_AUTO_MUTEX mutable boost::recursive_mutex OGRE_AUTO_MUTEX_NAME; #define OGRE_LOCK_AUTO_MUTEX boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock ogreAutoMutexLock(OGRE_AUTO_MUTEX_NAME); #define OGRE_MUTEX(name) mutable boost::recursive_mutex name; #define OGRE_STATIC_MUTEX(name) static boost::recursive_mutex name; #define OGRE_STATIC_MUTEX_INSTANCE(name) boost::recursive_mutex name; #define OGRE_LOCK_MUTEX(name) boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock ogrenameLock(name); #define OGRE_LOCK_MUTEX_NAMED(mutexName, lockName) boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock lockName(mutexName); // like OGRE_AUTO_MUTEX but mutex held by pointer #define OGRE_AUTO_SHARED_MUTEX mutable boost::recursive_mutex *OGRE_AUTO_MUTEX_NAME; #define OGRE_LOCK_AUTO_SHARED_MUTEX assert(OGRE_AUTO_MUTEX_NAME); boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock ogreAutoMutexLock(*OGRE_AUTO_MUTEX_NAME); #define OGRE_NEW_AUTO_SHARED_MUTEX assert(!OGRE_AUTO_MUTEX_NAME); OGRE_AUTO_MUTEX_NAME = new boost::recursive_mutex(); #define OGRE_DELETE_AUTO_SHARED_MUTEX assert(OGRE_AUTO_MUTEX_NAME); delete OGRE_AUTO_MUTEX_NAME; #define OGRE_COPY_AUTO_SHARED_MUTEX(from) assert(!OGRE_AUTO_MUTEX_NAME); OGRE_AUTO_MUTEX_NAME = from; #define OGRE_SET_AUTO_SHARED_MUTEX_NULL OGRE_AUTO_MUTEX_NAME = 0; #define OGRE_MUTEX_CONDITIONAL(mutex) if (mutex) #define OGRE_THREAD_SYNCHRONISER(sync) boost::condition sync; #define OGRE_THREAD_WAIT(sync, lock) sync.wait(lock); #define OGRE_THREAD_NOTIFY_ONE(sync) sync.notify_one(); #define OGRE_THREAD_NOTIFY_ALL(sync) sync.notify_all(); // Thread-local pointer #define OGRE_THREAD_POINTER(T, var) boost::thread_specific_ptr
var #define OGRE_THREAD_POINTER_SET(var, expr) var.reset(expr) #define OGRE_THREAD_POINTER_DELETE(var) var.reset(0) #define OGRE_THREAD_POINTER_GET(var) var.get() #else #define OGRE_AUTO_MUTEX #define OGRE_LOCK_AUTO_MUTEX #define OGRE_MUTEX(name) #define OGRE_STATIC_MUTEX(name) #define OGRE_STATIC_MUTEX_INSTANCE(name) #define OGRE_LOCK_MUTEX(name) #define OGRE_LOCK_MUTEX_NAMED(mutexName, lockName) #define OGRE_AUTO_SHARED_MUTEX #define OGRE_LOCK_AUTO_SHARED_MUTEX #define OGRE_NEW_AUTO_SHARED_MUTEX #define OGRE_DELETE_AUTO_SHARED_MUTEX #define OGRE_COPY_AUTO_SHARED_MUTEX(from) #define OGRE_SET_AUTO_SHARED_MUTEX_NULL #define OGRE_MUTEX_CONDITIONAL(name) if(true) #define OGRE_THREAD_SYNCHRONISER(sync) #define OGRE_THREAD_WAIT(sync, lock) #define OGRE_THREAD_NOTIFY_ONE(sync) #define OGRE_THREAD_NOTIFY_ALL(sync) #define OGRE_THREAD_POINTER(T, var) T* var #define OGRE_THREAD_POINTER_SET(var, expr) var = expr #define OGRE_THREAD_POINTER_DELETE(var) delete var; var = 0 #define OGRE_THREAD_POINTER_GET(var) var #endif // Pre-declare classes // Allows use of pointers in header files without including individual .h // so decreases dependencies between files class Angle; class Animation; class AnimationState; class AnimationStateSet; class AnimationTrack; class Archive; class ArchiveFactory; class ArchiveManager; class AutoParamDataSource; class AxisAlignedBox; class AxisAlignedBoxSceneQuery; class Billboard; class BillboardChain; class BillboardSet; class Bone; class Camera; class Codec; class ColourValue; class ConfigDialog; template
class Controller; template
class ControllerFunction; class ControllerManager; template
class ControllerValue; class Degree; class DynLib; class DynLibManager; class EdgeData; class EdgeListBuilder; class Entity; class ErrorDialog; class ExternalTextureSourceManager; class Factory; class Font; class FontPtr; class FontManager; struct FrameEvent; class FrameListener; class Frustum; class GpuProgram; class GpuProgramPtr; class GpuProgramManager; class GpuProgramUsage; class HardwareIndexBuffer; class HardwareOcclusionQuery; class HardwareVertexBuffer; class HardwarePixelBuffer; class HardwarePixelBufferSharedPtr; class HighLevelGpuProgram; class HighLevelGpuProgramPtr; class HighLevelGpuProgramManager; class HighLevelGpuProgramFactory; class IndexData; class IntersectionSceneQuery; class IntersectionSceneQueryListener; class Image; class KeyFrame; class Light; class Log; class LogManager; class ManualResourceLoader; class ManualObject; class Material; class MaterialPtr; class MaterialManager; class MaterialScriptCompiler; class Math; class Matrix3; class Matrix4; class MemoryManager; class Mesh; class MeshPtr; class MeshSerializer; class MeshSerializerImpl; class MeshManager; class MovableObject; class MovablePlane; class Node; class NodeAnimationTrack; class NodeKeyFrame; class NumericAnimationTrack; class NumericKeyFrame; class Overlay; class OverlayContainer; class OverlayElement; class OverlayElementFactory; class OverlayManager; class Particle; class ParticleAffector; class ParticleAffectorFactory; class ParticleEmitter; class ParticleEmitterFactory; class ParticleSystem; class ParticleSystemManager; class ParticleSystemRenderer; class ParticleSystemRendererFactory; class ParticleVisualData; class Pass; class PatchMesh; class PixelBox; class Plane; class PlaneBoundedVolume; class Plugin; class Pose; class ProgressiveMesh; class Profile; class Profiler; class Quaternion; class Radian; class Ray; class RaySceneQuery; class RaySceneQueryListener; class Renderable; class RenderPriorityGroup; class RenderQueue; class RenderQueueGroup; class RenderQueueInvocation; class RenderQueueInvocationSequence; class RenderQueueListener; class RenderSystem; class RenderSystemCapabilities; class RenderTarget; class RenderTargetListener; class RenderTexture; class MultiRenderTarget; class RenderWindow; class RenderOperation; class Resource; class ResourceBackgroundQueue; class ResourceGroupManager; class ResourceManager; class RibbonTrail; class Root; class SceneManager; class SceneManagerEnumerator; class SceneNode; class SceneQuery; class SceneQueryListener; class ScriptLoader; class Serializer; class ShadowCaster; class ShadowRenderable; class ShadowTextureManager; class SimpleRenderable; class SimpleSpline; class Skeleton; class SkeletonPtr; class SkeletonInstance; class SkeletonManager; class Sphere; class SphereSceneQuery; class StaticGeometry; class StringConverter; class StringInterface; class SubEntity; class SubMesh; class TagPoint; class Technique; class TempBlendedBufferInfo; class ExternalTextureSource; class TextureUnitState; class Texture; class TexturePtr; class TextureFont; class TextureManager; class TransformKeyFrame; class Timer; class UserDefinedObject; class Vector2; class Vector3; class Vector4; class Viewport; class VertexAnimationTrack; class VertexBufferBinding; class VertexData; class VertexDeclaration; class VertexMorphKeyFrame; class WireBoundingBox; class Compositor; class CompositorManager; class CompositorChain; class CompositorInstance; class CompositionTechnique; class CompositionPass; class CompositionTargetPass; } #endif // __OgrePrerequisites_H__
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