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路径: \\game3dprogramming\materials\GameFactory\GameFactoryDemo\references\boost_1_35_0\boost\test\utils\basic_cstring\basic_cstring.hpp
// (C) Copyright Gennadiy Rozental 2004-2007. // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // See http://www.boost.org/libs/test for the library home page. // // File : $RCSfile$ // // Version : $Revision: 41369 $ // // Description : class basic_cstring wraps C string and provide std_string like // interface // *************************************************************************** #ifndef BOOST_TEST_BASIC_CSTRING_HPP_071894GER #define BOOST_TEST_BASIC_CSTRING_HPP_071894GER // Boost.Test #include <boost/test/utils/basic_cstring/basic_cstring_fwd.hpp> #include <boost/test/utils/basic_cstring/bcs_char_traits.hpp> // STL #include <string> #include <boost/test/detail/suppress_warnings.hpp> //____________________________________________________________________________// namespace boost { namespace unit_test { // ************************************************************************** // // ************** basic_cstring ************** // // ************************************************************************** // template<typename CharT> class basic_cstring { typedef basic_cstring<CharT> self_type; public: // Subtypes typedef ut_detail::bcs_char_traits<CharT> traits_type; typedef typename ut_detail::bcs_char_traits<CharT>::std_string std_string; typedef CharT value_type; typedef value_type* pointer; typedef value_type const* const_pointer; typedef value_type& reference; typedef const value_type& const_reference; typedef std::size_t size_type; typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type; typedef value_type const* const_iterator; typedef value_type* iterator; // !! should also present reverse_iterator, const_reverse_iterator #if !BOOST_WORKAROUND(__IBMCPP__, BOOST_TESTED_AT(600)) enum npos_type { npos = (size_type)-1 }; #else // IBM/VisualAge version 6 is not able to handle enums larger than 4 bytes. // But size_type is 8 bytes in 64bit mode. static const size_type npos = -1 ; #endif static pointer null_str(); // Constructors; default copy constructor is generated by compiler basic_cstring(); basic_cstring( std_string const& s ); basic_cstring( pointer s ); basic_cstring( pointer s, size_type arg_size ); basic_cstring( pointer first, pointer last ); // data access methods value_type operator[]( size_type index ) const; value_type at( size_type index ) const; // size operators size_type size() const; bool is_empty() const; void clear(); void resize( size_type new_len ); // !! only for STL container conformance use is_empty instead bool empty() const; // Trimming self_type& trim_right( size_type trim_size ); self_type& trim_left( size_type trim_size ); self_type& trim_right( iterator it ); self_type& trim_left( iterator it ); #ifndef __IBMCPP__ self_type& trim_left( self_type exclusions = self_type() ) ; self_type& trim_right( self_type exclusions = self_type() ) ; self_type& trim( self_type exclusions = self_type() ) ; #else // VisualAge version 6 has in this case a problem with the default arguments. self_type& trim_left( self_type exclusions ) ; self_type& trim_right( self_type exclusions ) ; self_type& trim( self_type exclusions ) ; self_type& trim_left() { trim_left( self_type() ) ; } self_type& trim_right() { trim_right( self_type() ) ; } self_type& trim() { trim( self_type() ) ; } #endif // Assignment operators basic_cstring& operator=( self_type const& s ); basic_cstring& operator=( std_string const& s ); basic_cstring& operator=( pointer s ); template<typename CharT2> basic_cstring& assign( basic_cstring<CharT2> const& s ) { *this = basic_cstring<CharT>( s.begin(), s.end() ); return *this; } basic_cstring& assign( self_type const& s, size_type pos, size_type len ); basic_cstring& assign( std_string const& s ); basic_cstring& assign( std_string const& s, size_type pos, size_type len ); basic_cstring& assign( pointer s ); basic_cstring& assign( pointer s, size_type len ); basic_cstring& assign( pointer f, pointer l ); // swapping void swap( self_type& s ); // Iterators iterator begin(); const_iterator begin() const; iterator end(); const_iterator end() const; // !! should have rbegin, rend // substring search operation size_type find( basic_cstring ) const; size_type rfind( basic_cstring ) const; self_type substr( size_type beg_index, size_type end_index = npos ) const; private: static self_type default_trim_ex(); // Data members iterator m_begin; iterator m_end; }; //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT> inline typename basic_cstring<CharT>::pointer basic_cstring<CharT>::null_str() { static CharT null = 0; return &null; } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT> inline basic_cstring<CharT>::basic_cstring() : m_begin( null_str() ) , m_end( m_begin ) { } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT> inline basic_cstring<CharT>::basic_cstring( std_string const& s ) : m_begin( s.c_str() ) , m_end( m_begin + s.size() ) { } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT> inline basic_cstring<CharT>::basic_cstring( pointer s ) : m_begin( s ? s : null_str() ) , m_end ( m_begin + (s ? traits_type::length( s ) : 0 ) ) { } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT> inline basic_cstring<CharT>::basic_cstring( pointer s, size_type arg_size ) : m_begin( s ), m_end( m_begin + arg_size ) { } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT> inline basic_cstring<CharT>::basic_cstring( pointer first, pointer last ) : m_begin( first ) , m_end( last ) { } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT> inline typename basic_cstring<CharT>::value_type basic_cstring<CharT>::operator[]( size_type index ) const { return m_begin[index]; } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT> inline typename basic_cstring<CharT>::value_type basic_cstring<CharT>::at( size_type index ) const { if( m_begin + index >= m_end ) return (value_type)0; return m_begin[index]; } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT> inline typename basic_cstring<CharT>::size_type basic_cstring<CharT>::size() const { return m_end - m_begin; } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT> inline bool basic_cstring<CharT>::is_empty() const { return m_end == m_begin; } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT> inline bool basic_cstring<CharT>::empty() const { return is_empty(); } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT> inline void basic_cstring<CharT>::clear() { m_begin = m_end; } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT> inline void basic_cstring<CharT>::resize( size_type new_len ) { if( m_begin + new_len < m_end ) m_end = m_begin + new_len; } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT> inline basic_cstring<CharT>& basic_cstring<CharT>::trim_left( size_type trim_size ) { m_begin += trim_size; if( m_end <= m_begin ) clear(); return *this; } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT> inline basic_cstring<CharT>& basic_cstring<CharT>::trim_left( iterator it ) { m_begin = it; if( m_end <= m_begin ) clear(); return *this; } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT> inline basic_cstring<CharT>& basic_cstring<CharT>::trim_left( basic_cstring exclusions ) { if( exclusions.is_empty() ) exclusions = default_trim_ex(); iterator it; for( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) { if( traits_type::find( exclusions.begin(), exclusions.size(), *it ) == (pointer)0 ) break; } return trim_left( it ); } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT> inline basic_cstring<CharT>& basic_cstring<CharT>::trim_right( size_type trim_size ) { m_end -= trim_size; if( m_end <= m_begin ) clear(); return *this; } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT> inline basic_cstring<CharT>& basic_cstring<CharT>::trim_right( iterator it ) { m_end = it; if( m_end <= m_begin ) clear(); return *this; } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT> inline basic_cstring<CharT>& basic_cstring<CharT>::trim_right( basic_cstring exclusions ) { if( exclusions.is_empty() ) exclusions = default_trim_ex(); iterator it; for( it = end()-1; it != begin()-1; --it ) { if( self_type::traits_type::find( exclusions.begin(), exclusions.size(), *it ) == (pointer)0 ) break; } return trim_right( it+1 ); } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT> inline basic_cstring<CharT>& basic_cstring<CharT>::trim( basic_cstring exclusions ) { trim_left( exclusions ); trim_right( exclusions ); return *this; } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT> inline basic_cstring<CharT>& basic_cstring<CharT>::operator=( basic_cstring<CharT> const& s ) { m_begin = s.m_begin; m_end = s.m_end; return *this; } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT> inline basic_cstring<CharT>& basic_cstring<CharT>::operator=( std_string const& s ) { return *this = self_type( s ); } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT> inline basic_cstring<CharT>& basic_cstring<CharT>::operator=( pointer s ) { return *this = self_type( s ); } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT> inline basic_cstring<CharT>& basic_cstring<CharT>::assign( basic_cstring<CharT> const& s, size_type pos, size_type len ) { return *this = self_type( s.m_begin + pos, len ); } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT> inline basic_cstring<CharT>& basic_cstring<CharT>::assign( std_string const& s ) { return *this = self_type( s ); } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT> inline basic_cstring<CharT>& basic_cstring<CharT>::assign( std_string const& s, size_type pos, size_type len ) { return *this = self_type( s.c_str() + pos, len ); } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT> inline basic_cstring<CharT>& basic_cstring<CharT>::assign( pointer s ) { return *this = self_type( s ); } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT> inline basic_cstring<CharT>& basic_cstring<CharT>::assign( pointer s, size_type len ) { return *this = self_type( s, len ); } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT> inline basic_cstring<CharT>& basic_cstring<CharT>::assign( pointer f, pointer l ) { return *this = self_type( f, l ); } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT> inline void basic_cstring<CharT>::swap( basic_cstring<CharT>& s ) { // do not want to include alogrithm pointer tmp1 = m_begin; pointer tmp2 = m_end; m_begin = s.m_begin; m_end = s.m_end; s.m_begin = tmp1; s.m_end = tmp2; } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT> inline typename basic_cstring<CharT>::iterator basic_cstring<CharT>::begin() { return m_begin; } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT> inline typename basic_cstring<CharT>::const_iterator basic_cstring<CharT>::begin() const { return m_begin; } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT> inline typename basic_cstring<CharT>::iterator basic_cstring<CharT>::end() { return m_end; } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT> inline typename basic_cstring<CharT>::const_iterator basic_cstring<CharT>::end() const { return m_end; } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT> inline typename basic_cstring<CharT>::size_type basic_cstring<CharT>::find( basic_cstring<CharT> substr ) const { if( substr.is_empty() || substr.size() > size() ) return (size_type)npos; const_iterator it = begin(); const_iterator last = end() - substr.size() + 1; while( it != last ) { if( traits_type::compare( it, substr.begin(), substr.size() ) == 0 ) break; ++it; } return it == last ? (size_type)npos : it - begin(); } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT> inline typename basic_cstring<CharT>::size_type basic_cstring<CharT>::rfind( basic_cstring<CharT> substr ) const { if( substr.is_empty() || substr.size() > size() ) return (size_type)npos; const_iterator it = end() - substr.size(); const_iterator last = begin()-1; while( it != last ) { if( traits_type::compare( it, substr.begin(), substr.size() ) == 0 ) break; --it; } return it == last ? npos : it - begin(); } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT> inline basic_cstring<CharT> basic_cstring<CharT>::substr( size_type beg_index, size_type end_index ) const { return beg_index > size() ? self_type() : end_index > size() ? self_type( m_begin + beg_index, m_end ) : self_type( m_begin + beg_index, m_begin + end_index ); } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT> inline basic_cstring<CharT> basic_cstring<CharT>::default_trim_ex() { static CharT ws[3] = { CharT(' '), CharT('\t'), CharT('\n') }; // !! wide case return self_type( ws, 3 ); } //____________________________________________________________________________// // ************************************************************************** // // ************** comparison operators ************** // // ************************************************************************** // template<typename CharT1,typename CharT2> inline bool operator==( basic_cstring<CharT1> const& s1, basic_cstring<CharT2> const& s2 ) { typedef typename basic_cstring<CharT1>::traits_type traits_type; return s1.size() == s2.size() && traits_type::compare( s1.begin(), s2.begin(), s1.size() ) == 0; } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT1,typename CharT2> inline bool operator==( basic_cstring<CharT1> const& s1, CharT2* s2 ) { #if !defined(__DMC__) return s1 == basic_cstring<CharT2>( s2 ); #else return s1 == basic_cstring<CharT2 const>( s2 ); #endif } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT> inline bool operator==( basic_cstring<CharT> const& s1, typename basic_cstring<CharT>::std_string const& s2 ) { return s1 == basic_cstring<CharT>( s2 ); } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT1,typename CharT2> inline bool operator==( CharT1* s2, basic_cstring<CharT2> const& s1 ) { return s1 == s2; } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT> inline bool operator==( typename basic_cstring<CharT>::std_string const& s2, basic_cstring<CharT> const& s1 ) { return s1 == s2; } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT> inline bool operator!=( basic_cstring<CharT> const& s1, CharT* s2 ) { return !(s1 == s2); } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT> inline bool operator!=( CharT* s2, basic_cstring<CharT> const& s1 ) { return !(s1 == s2); } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT> inline bool operator!=( basic_cstring<CharT> const& s1, basic_cstring<CharT> const& s2 ) { return !(s1 == s2); } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT> inline bool operator!=( basic_cstring<CharT> const& s1, typename basic_cstring<CharT>::std_string const& s2 ) { return !(s1 == s2); } //____________________________________________________________________________// template<typename CharT> inline bool operator!=( typename basic_cstring<CharT>::std_string const& s2, basic_cstring<CharT> const& s1 ) { return !(s1 == s2); } //____________________________________________________________________________// // ************************************************************************** // // ************** first_char ************** // // ************************************************************************** // template<typename CharT> inline typename basic_cstring<CharT>::value_type first_char( basic_cstring<CharT> source ) { typedef typename basic_cstring<CharT>::value_type string_value_type; return source.is_empty() ? (string_value_type)0 : *source.begin(); } //____________________________________________________________________________// // ************************************************************************** // // ************** last_char ************** // // ************************************************************************** // template<typename CharT> inline typename basic_cstring<CharT>::value_type last_char( basic_cstring<CharT> source ) { typedef typename basic_cstring<CharT>::value_type string_value_type; return source.is_empty() ? (string_value_type)0 : *(source.end()-1); } //____________________________________________________________________________// // ************************************************************************** // // ************** assign_op ************** // // ************************************************************************** // template<typename CharT1, typename CharT2> inline void assign_op( std::basic_string<CharT1>& target, basic_cstring<CharT2> src, int ) { target.assign( src.begin(), src.size() ); } //____________________________________________________________________________// } // namespace unit_test } // namespace boost //____________________________________________________________________________// #include <boost/test/detail/enable_warnings.hpp> #endif // BOOST_TEST_BASIC_CSTRING_HPP_071894GER
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