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//################################################################################# //## Snitz Forums 2000 v3.4.06 //################################################################################# //## Copyright (C) 2000-06 Michael Anderson, Pierre Gorissen, //## Huw Reddick and Richard Kinser //## //## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or //## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License //## as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 //## of the License, or (at your option) any later version. //## //## All copyright notices regarding Snitz Forums 2000 //## must remain intact in the scripts and in the outputted HTML //## The "powered by" text/logo with a link back to //## http://forum.snitz.com in the footer of the pages MUST //## remain visible when the pages are viewed on the internet or intranet. //## //## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the //## GNU General Public License for more details. //## //## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software //## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. //## //## Support can be obtained from our support forums at: //## http://forum.snitz.com //## //## Correspondence and Marketing Questions can be sent to: //## manderson@snitz.com //## //################################################################################# helpstat = false; stprompt = false; basic = true; function thelp(swtch){ if (swtch == 1){ basic = false; stprompt = false; helpstat = true; } else if (swtch == 0) { helpstat = false; stprompt = false; basic = true; } else if (swtch == 2) { helpstat = false; basic = false; stprompt = true; } } /*function AddText(text) { var tarea = document.PostTopic.Message; if (tarea.selectionStart){ // if it supports DOM2 tarea.value = tarea.value.substr(0,tarea.selectionStart) + text + tarea.value.substr(tarea.selectionEnd); tarea.focus(); tarea.selectionStart = tarea.selectionEnd + text.length; tarea.selectionEnd = tarea.selectionStart; } else { if (tarea.createTextRange && tarea.caretPos) { var caretPos = tarea.caretPos; caretPos.text = caretPos.text.charAt(caretPos.text.length - 1) == ' ' ? text + ' ' : text; } else { tarea.value += text; } tarea.focus(caretPos); } }*/ function AddText(text) { var tarea = document.PostTopic.Message; if (typeof tarea.selectionStart != 'undefined'){ // if it supports DOM2 start = tarea.selectionStart; end = tarea.selectionEnd; tarea.value = tarea.value.substr(0,tarea.selectionStart) + text + tarea.value.substr(tarea.selectionEnd); tarea.focus(); tarea.selectionStart = ((start - end) == 0) ? start + text.length : start; tarea.selectionEnd = start + text.length; } else { if (tarea.createTextRange && tarea.caretPos) { var caretPos = tarea.caretPos; caretPos.text = caretPos.text.charAt(caretPos.text.length - 1) == ' ' ? text + ' ' : text; } else { tarea.value += text; } tarea.focus(caretPos); } } function bold() { var text = getText(); if (helpstat) { alert("Bold Tag Makes the enclosed text bold.\n\nUSE: [b]This is some bold text[/b]"); } else if (basic) { AddTxt="[b]" + text + "[/b]"; AddText(AddTxt); } else { if (text) { txt=prompt("Text to be made BOLD.",text); } else { txt=prompt("Text to be made BOLD.","Text"); } if (txt!=null) { AddTxt="[b]"+txt+"[/b]"; AddText(AddTxt); } } } function italicize() { var text = getText(); if (helpstat) { alert("Italicize Tag Makes the enclosed text italicized.\n\nUSE: [i]This is some italicized text[/i]"); } else if (basic) { AddTxt="[i]" + text + "[/i]"; AddText(AddTxt); } else { if (text) { txt=prompt("Text to be italicized",text); } else { txt=prompt("Text to be italicized","Text"); } if (txt!=null) { AddTxt="[i]"+txt+"[/i]"; AddText(AddTxt); } } } function underline() { var text = getText(); if (helpstat) { alert("Underline Tag Underlines the enclosed text.\n\nUSE: [u]This text is underlined[/u]"); } else if (basic) { AddTxt="[u]" + text + "[/u]"; AddText(AddTxt); } else { if (text) { txt=prompt("Text to be Underlined.",text); } else { txt=prompt("Text to be Underlined.","Text"); } if (txt!=null) { AddTxt="[u]"+txt+"[/u]"; AddText(AddTxt); } } } function strike() { var text = getText(); if (helpstat) { alert("Strike-Through Tag Makes the enclosed text have a line through it.\n\nUSE: [s]This is some stricken text[/s]"); } else if (basic) { AddTxt="[s]" + text + "[/s]"; AddText(AddTxt); } else { if (text) { txt=prompt("Text to be stricken.",text); } else { txt=prompt("Text to be stricken.","Text"); } if (txt!=null) { AddTxt="[s]"+txt+"[/s]"; AddText(AddTxt); } } } function left() { var text = getText(); if (helpstat) { alert("Left tag aligns the enclosed text to the left.\n\nUSE: [left]This text is aligned left[/left]"); } else if (basic) { AddTxt="[left]" + text + "[/left]"; AddText(AddTxt); } else { if (text) { txt=prompt("Text to be aligned left",text); } else { txt=prompt("Text to be aligned left","Text"); } if (txt!=null) { AddTxt="[left]"+txt+"[/left]"; AddText(AddTxt); } } } function center() { var text = getText(); if (helpstat) { alert("Centered tag Centers the enclosed text.\n\nUSE: [center]This text is centered[/center]"); } else if (basic) { AddTxt="[center]" + text + "[/center]"; AddText(AddTxt); } else { if (text) { txt=prompt("Text to be centered",text); } else { txt=prompt("Text to be centered","Text"); } if (txt!=null) { AddTxt="[center]"+txt+"[/center]"; AddText(AddTxt); } } } function right() { var text = getText(); if (helpstat) { alert("Right tag aligns the enclosed text to the right.\n\nUSE: [right]This text is aligned right[/right]"); } else if (basic) { AddTxt="[right]" + text + "[/right]"; AddText(AddTxt); } else { if (text) { txt=prompt("Text to be aligned right",text); } else { txt=prompt("Text to be aligned right","Text"); } if (txt!=null) { AddTxt="[right]"+txt+"[/right]"; AddText(AddTxt); } } } function hr() { var text = getText(); if (helpstat) { alert("Horizontal Rule creates a horizontal line across your post.\n\nUSE: [hr]"); } else { AddTxt="[hr]" + text; AddText(AddTxt); } } function hyperlink() { var text = getText(); if (helpstat) { alert("Hyperlink Tag \nTurns an url into a hyperlink.\n\nUSE: [url]http://www.anywhere.com[/url]\n\nUSE: [url=\"http://www.anywhere.com\"]link text[/url]"); } else if (basic) { AddTxt="[url]" + text + "[/url]"; AddText(AddTxt); } else { if (text!="") { txt2=text; } else { txt2=prompt("Text to be shown for the link.\nLeave blank if you want the url to be shown for the link.",""); } if (txt2!=null) { txt=prompt("URL for the link.","http://"); if (txt!=null) { if (txt2=="") { AddTxt="[url]"+txt+"[/url]"; AddText(AddTxt); } else { AddTxt="[url=\""+txt+"\"]"+txt2+"[/url]"; AddText(AddTxt); } } } } } function email() { if (helpstat) { alert("E-mail Tag Turns an e-mail address into a mailto hyperlink.\n\nUSE #1: someone\@anywhere.com \nUSE #2: [url=\"someone\@anywhere.com\"]link text[/url]"); } else { txt2=prompt("Text to be shown for the link. Leave blank if you want the e-mail address to be shown for the link.",""); if (txt2!=null) { txt=prompt("URL for the link.","mailto:"); if (txt!=null) { if (txt2=="") { AddTxt=txt; AddText(AddTxt); } else { AddTxt="[url=\""+txt+"\"]"+txt2+"[/url]"; AddText(AddTxt); } } } } } function image() { var text = getText(); if (helpstat){ alert("Image Tag Inserts an image into the post.\n\nUSE: [img]http://www.anywhere.com/image.gif[/img]"); } else if (basic) { AddTxt="[img]" + text + "[/img]"; AddText(AddTxt); } else { txt=prompt("URL for graphic","http://"); if(txt!=null) { AddTxt="[img]"+txt+"[/img]"; AddText(AddTxt); } } } function showcode() { var text = getText(); if (helpstat) { alert("Code Tag Blockquotes the text you reference and preserves the formatting.\nUsefull for posting code.\n\nUSE: [code]This is formated text[/code]"); } else if (basic) { AddTxt="[code]" + text + "[/code]"; AddText(AddTxt); } else { txt=prompt("Enter code",""); if (txt!=null) { AddTxt="[code]"+txt+"[/code]"; AddText(AddTxt); } } } function quote() { var text = getText(); if (helpstat){ alert("Quote tag Quotes the enclosed text to reference something specific that someone has posted.\n\nUSE: [quote]This is a quote[/quote]"); } else if (basic) { AddTxt=" [quote]" + text + "[/quote]"; AddText(AddTxt); } else { if (text) { txt=prompt("Text to be quoted",text); } else { txt=prompt("Text to be quoted","Text"); } if(txt!=null) { AddTxt=" [quote] "+txt+" [/quote]"; AddText(AddTxt); } } } function list() { if (helpstat) { alert("List Tag Builds a bulleted, numbered, or alphabetical list.\n\nUSE: [list] [*]item1[/*] [*]item2[/*] [*]item3[/*] [/list]"); } else if (basic) { AddTxt=" [list][*] [/*][*] [/*][*] [/*][/list]"; AddText(AddTxt); } else { type=prompt("Type of list Enter \'A\' for alphabetical, \'1\' for numbered, Leave blank for bulleted.",""); while ((type!="") && (type!="A") && (type!="a") && (type!="1") && (type!=null)) { type=prompt("ERROR! The only possible values for type of list are blank 'A' and '1'.",""); } if (type!=null) { if (type=="") { AddTxt="[list]"; } else { AddTxt="[list="+type+"]"; } txt="1"; while ((txt!="") && (txt!=null)) { txt=prompt("List item Leave blank to end list",""); if (txt!="") { AddTxt+="[*]"+txt+"[/*]"; } } if (type=="") { AddTxt+="[/list] "; } else { AddTxt+="[/list="+type+"]"; } AddText(AddTxt); } } } function showfont(font) { var text = getText(); if (font) { if (helpstat) { alert("Font Tag Sets the font face for the enclosed text.\n\nUSE: [font="+font+"]The font of this text is "+font+"[/font]"); } else if (basic) { AddTxt="[font="+font+"]" + text + "[/font="+font+"]"; AddText(AddTxt); } else { if (text) { txt=prompt("Text to be in "+font,text); } else { txt=prompt("Text to be in "+font,"Text"); } if (txt!=null) { AddTxt="[font="+font+"]"+txt+"[/font="+font+"]"; AddText(AddTxt); } } document.PostTopic.Font.selectedIndex = 0; } } function showsize(size) { var text = getText(); if (size) { if (helpstat) { alert("Size Tag Sets the text size. Possible values are 1 to 6.\n1 being the smallest and 6 the largest.\n\nUSE: [size="+size+"]This is size "+size+" text[/size="+size+"]"); } else if (basic) { AddTxt="[size="+size+"]" + text + "[/size="+size+"]"; AddText(AddTxt); } else { if (text) { txt=prompt("Text to be size "+size,text); } else { txt=prompt("Text to be size "+size,"Text"); } if (txt!=null) { AddTxt="[size="+size+"]"+txt+"[/size="+size+"]"; AddText(AddTxt); } } document.PostTopic.Size.selectedIndex = 0; } } function showcolor(color) { var text = getText(); if (color) { if (helpstat) { alert("Color Tag Sets the text color. Any named color can be used.\n\nUSE: ["+color+"]This is some "+color+" text[/"+color+"]"); } else if (basic) { AddTxt="["+color+"]" + text + "[/"+color+"]"; AddText(AddTxt); } else { if (text) { txt=prompt("Text to be "+color,text); } else { txt=prompt("Text to be "+color,"Text"); } if(txt!=null) { AddTxt="["+color+"]"+txt+"[/"+color+"]"; AddText(AddTxt); } } document.PostTopic.Color.selectedIndex = 0; } } function resizeTextarea(tmpCookieURL) { var today = new Date(); var expires = new Date(today.getTime() + 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); // plus 365 days if (document.PostTopic.SelectSize.value == 1) { document.PostTopic.Message.cols = 45; document.PostTopic.Message.rows = 11; } if (document.PostTopic.SelectSize.value == 2) { document.PostTopic.Message.cols = 70; document.PostTopic.Message.rows = 12; } if (document.PostTopic.SelectSize.value == 3) { document.PostTopic.Message.cols = 90; document.PostTopic.Message.rows = 12; } if (document.PostTopic.SelectSize.value == 4) { document.PostTopic.Message.cols = 130; document.PostTopic.Message.rows = 15; } document.cookie = tmpCookieURL + "strSelectSize=" + document.PostTopic.SelectSize.value + "; expires=" + expires.toUTCString() } function storeCaret(ftext) { if (ftext.createTextRange) { ftext.caretPos = document.selection.createRange().duplicate(); } } function getText() { var tarea = document.PostTopic.Message; if (tarea.createTextRange && tarea.caretPos) { return tarea.caretPos.text; } else if (typeof tarea.selectionStart != 'undefined'){ return tarea.value.substr(tarea.selectionStart,tarea.selectionEnd-tarea.selectionStart) } return ''; } function OpenPreview() { if (document.PostTopic.Message) { if (trim(document.PostTopic.Message.value)=="") { alert("Nothing to Preview!") return false } popupWin = window.open('pop_preview.asp', 'preview_page', 'scrollbars=yes,width=750,height=450') return true } } function OpenSigPreview() { if (document.Form1.Sig) { if (trim(document.Form1.Sig.value)=="") { alert("Nothing to Preview!") return false } popupWin = window.open('pop_preview_sig.asp', 'preview_page', 'scrollbars=yes,width=750,height=450') return true } } function validate(){ if (document.PostTopic.Subject) { if (trim(document.PostTopic.Subject.value)=="") { alert("You must enter a Subject") return false } } if (document.PostTopic.Message) { if (trim(document.PostTopic.Message.value)=="") { alert("You must enter a Message") return false } } document.PostTopic.Submit.disabled = true return true } function ResetForm(form) { var where_to= confirm("Do you really want to Reset the Form Fields?"); if (where_to== true) { form.reset(); } } //code below found here: http://www.marzie.com/devtools/javascript/functions.asp function ltrim(s) { return s.replace( /^\s*/, "" ); } function rtrim(s) { return s.replace( /\s*$/, "" ); } function trim ( s ) { return rtrim(ltrim(s)); }
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