With our current Group Account service, you can create sub-accounts and order subscriptions in sub-accounts. Sub-users don't need to pay for the service fees. The group owner will pay for the fees (automatically). This way, each sub-user can view/manage cameras in his/her account. Sub-users cannot see cameras not in their own accounts.
The group owner or other group administrator accounts can log on to www.cameraftp.com. They will not see cameras in sub-accounts directly. However, they can log on as a sub-user using the Group Admin feature. This way, they can gain full access to a sub-account, incl. view/manage cameras in the sub-account. (Note: A group admin user can edit a sub-account, change password, disable or delete a sub-account).
A user can share cameras with other users. For more info about sharing a camera, please visit:
If you share a camera with USER1, then when USER1 logs on, he/she can see the shared camera from his account. You can share a camera with multiple sub-accounts, the entire group or a subgroup(s). Normally it works great. Unfortunately, cameras must be shared one by one. If you don't have too many cameras, it will be perfectly fine. However, if you have 100s of cameras, it is quite a lot of work. Please let us know if it is ok with you. Otherwise, I think we need to implement a new feature for you. There are a couple ways to accomplish it. Please contact CameraFTP support via email directly.